Is AI the fortune teller of cardiac risks in the realm of Healthcare Industry?

“The early the detection, the faster the treatment & recovery.”

Not long ago was the onset of cardiac heart attacks or cardiovascular disease predominantly diagnosed by Cardiac surgeons or Cardiologists who relied on blood tests or a biomarker. Other detection methods included multi-detector computed tomography, positron emission tomography that helps heart specialists to pinpoint the risk intensity of heart attacks. Cardiac surgeons are not fortune tellers, neither have they got crystal balls up in their sleeves to predict heart attacks.

Warning signs are critical & timing is crucial when it comes to quick medical help. It’s time to re-think the risks that are sensitive to the human heart. Techniques for early detection are the need of the hour. With rapid and innovative scientific advancements, technology today is replacing the present generation treatment protocols.

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - the revolutionary in the field of Healthcare!

AI potential in processing massive healthcare datasets 

Unlike the cardiac specialist’s accuracy which is about 60% of the number of cardiac deaths in the next year, AI’s prediction accuracy is 80%.  As per recent research reports from the University of Nottingham, UK, the AI system accurately predicted the fate of 355 patients who were at a high risk of heart attacks or strokes within the next10 years through a routine medically scanned data set of heart patients. Interestingly, AI employs self-teaching algorithms & cognitive computing that can process & refine massive datasets correctly & predict cardiovascular cases accurately well before time.

Thrashing the old tricks of detections, it is seen that AI system & machine learning methods are proving to be better than doctors in accurately diagnosing health outcomes & analysing medical images. This is game changing specially for Radiologists who are medical imagery analysers that can reduce the volume of data significantly.

Contribution of AI algorithms in modern healthcare 

AI is still in the infancy stage, but its potential to save more lives is enormous. Unlike standard medical models & healthcare diagnosis, AI can analyse huge amounts of scientific data & make accurate predictions for cardiac events such as cardiac arrest & strokes. The system intelligently learns about heart abnormalities through cardiac signals & interprets them into accurate predictions for future. Here are a series of benefits through the AI technology:

        Mining information & decoding symptoms of cardiac health conditions at an early stage
        Reducing the volume of complex healthcare data by intelligently processing and reducing them into healthcare insights
        Simplifying enormous data with accurate interpretations
        Identify & prevent disease progressions through accurate diagnosis
        Prioritize recommendations for heart attacks
        Tailor-made individual treatment based on the criticality
        Predict customized treatment for each type of cardiac ailment
        Deliver personalized medicines for individual patients
        Faster prediction of ailment saves time

It’s never too late. It is still possible to prevent a lot of diseases before they rupture or turn out to be worse. AI will work like a “wake-up call” for many patients by detecting underlying signs of heart failure & help in saving a lot of lives. What lies ahead is only left to time and see how this rapid changing technology of AI will build more opportunities by tapping the future possibilities. 
